Google+ WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Christmas time in Perth.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Christmas time in Perth.

We take shopping VERY seriously at Christmas time :) There are just so many places to shop. I'm sure you will find a bargain. I was at Carousel Shopping Centre today.  Here are some photos taken while at Carousel Shopping Centre in Cannington.

Here's another feature at Carousel Shopping Centre which is best presented as a video: you may click on the link below:

There are just so many other features and activities at the shopping centre. Have a nice shopping centre experience won't you :) In WA, we also like Christmas Carols, giving gifts, getting together for a Christmas Meal, Christmas Lights, and many more. I thought I mention that it does get hot during Christmas time since December is start of summer in WA and if you are a beach lover like me, you have the option of going for a swim at the beaches in WA, which I think are the best in the world. Ho!Ho!Ho! Merry Christmas everybody.