Google+ WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Fremantle Street Arts Festival (April 23-26 2011)

Monday 25 April 2011

Fremantle Street Arts Festival (April 23-26 2011)

The festival showed cast many performances. They were held at different locations in Freo. Popular Market Street was one of the locations and was closed for that matter. Here's the location of Market Street:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tljp1303669949407022&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Market+St,+Fremantle+WA+6160,+Australia&ei=3Wy0Td3NGJG8uwOompCYBw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA

Here were some of the performances:
Stalker Stilt Theatre:

                                       Here's a video of the above group performing::

There was a variety of Music:

                              Here's a video to share:

Darian Le Page: a professional mime artist:

The Crowd was amazing!
Sharon Mahoney: A Comedian:

USA Breakdancers:

Natural Wings:

We have a video of their performance:

Victor Rubilar:
This one is quite something: holder of 4 Guiness World Records!

Video Part 1 of 2:

Video Part 2 of 2:

Hope you have enjoyed every bit of it! Sorry if the video quality isn't that good, it's all the resources I have. Cheers for now...